Dienstag, 2. März 2010

Custom cocktail community created book @ Wankiki Blog

Yipyip. First english post (and first and maybe last post in a while aswell :D). Just wanted to spread the word about this nice little project that german Mr. Wankiki blog author a.k.a. bochi is starting on his Wankiki blog:

A cocktail book puzzled together of stories, recipes and pictures any bartender or connaiseur is free to contribute!
So go ahead and request the questionnaire at the (nicely starting out, yet rarely image decorated) Wankiki blog!!


Oh and here's a link to the new bar menu I have written up for the bar that I work in. Not much super exclusive cocktail craft going on in there, but I'm trying my best to invoke the guests appetite on classic and aromatic small cocktails :)

Will take some while until it sees print though.